Non-Disney Hollywood

As I mentioned before in a previous entry, Mickey Mouse wasn't the first famed animated character on the scene; characters such as Gertie the Dinosaur, Felix the cat and even Betty Boop were around before Walt created his mousey friend.

Miss Betty Boop had made her mark before Mickey Mouse graced our screens; she was the ever famous 1930's sex symbol, with her won mini TV series and guest appearances in different animations such as Pop Eye:

I suppose Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters became more famous because they were more childish and their animations were targeted at audiences of all ages. Also because Walt put more of his heart and soul into his characters; with every film, you could feel the life of each characters.
Nevertheless, regardless was decade the characters were created in, not everyone can reach high level fame. Even today, there are many inspiring animations ready to be shown to the world, but only the most dedicated, heartfelt ones will be truly acknowledge.

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